Our goal with Rewrited is to improve the quality of journalism through transparency. We do this by making edits visible in news articles. Currently Rewrited is in public alpha phase which means that everyone is able to use the core components and we can test if everything works accordingly. To develop Rewrited to a full release we need your help. Good coding, hosting, security, traffic, maintenance and the tons of features that are on our roadmap cost money. A lot of money.
And we want to keep Rewrited a free service with the utmost regard for your privacy.

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We count on you to co-fund the growth of our infrastructure.
Our next goal is to develop a browser extension that offers the same functionalities of our site in a convenient way:
right on every article you'll browse, all the edits will be already visible.

And your contribution can help keep everything running securely and with respect to everyone’s privacy.

We count on you!

from just 1 euro

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  • Our love and knowing that you contribute to better journalism


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  • Our love and knowing that you contribute to better journalism
  • You'll receive all our own blogs in your email


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  • Our love and knowing that you contribute to better journalism
  • You'll receive all our own blogs in your email
  • You can vote which news sites to monitor next


per maand
  • Our love and knowing that you contribute to better journalism
  • You'll receive all our own blogs in your email
  • You can vote which news sites to monitor next
  • You'll be invited first to test our full release plugin

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